

2020/05/31(日) 01:10

Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock warned those who may be thinking of inciting violence during any peaceful protests today that their actions will no longer be tolerated.“When there are agitators with selfish motives and reckless intentions hijacking demonstrations and inciting violence with homemade explosives, rocks, bottles, graffiti, and vandalism our officers will respond to maintain peoples safety, to protect themselves and to protect public and private property.”At a news conference today, Hancock announced an order he signed earlier in the day establishing a citywide curfew effective tonight beginning at 8 p.m., and nightly from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. through Monday.Hancock sent a plea to both Denver residents, and those who may be traveling to Denver to protest, to “go home." “If you are coming to Denver for one of the demonstrations scheduled for today once 8 p.m. hits our message is very simple, ‘go home.' If you're planning to come downtown tonight, ‘stay home,'" he said.Hancock said that the National Guard has also been deployed to “support our efforts to maintain public safety, and protect infrastructure and property in the downtown area. We had hoped that we would not have to take these steps, but the aggressive and dangerous actions taken by some individuals and groups, under the cover of darkness has made it necessary.”


>>1 読めねーよ!

黒人を殺してその動画を世界中に流す。 そして国内で暴動を起こし、トランプ批判を盛り上げる。 国内の秩序を乱し、国家そのものの存在意義を疑わせる。 これってユダ金と中国の利益にかなうんだよね。


今回みたいな事件は昔から普通に有ってよく揉めてたね そんで間の悪いことに今はコビットで鬱憤が溜まってるから爆発しやすいんだよな

これがリベラルなのか?どこが寛容なのか? 暴動を起こして憂さ晴らししているだけではないのか?


コロナで鬱憤溜まってら時に燃料投下されたからなぁ あの白人警官アホ過ぎ

これ日本人には理解できないだろ 何せ開拓時代から尾を引いてる問題だし
