

2020/06/06(土) 11:29

GLENDALE, AZ (3TV/CBS5) -- An incoming college freshman here in the Valley just got her scholarship taken away, following comments she made online about the death of George Floyd. The high school class of 2020 cheerleader from Ohio was supposed to be heading to the Phoenix area this fall to join Arizona Christian University’s Acrobatic and Tumbling team. But her scholarship has since been revoked after a controversial post on her Instagram page.The post said that everyone needs to just (blank) about this guy who died (referencing George Floyd) and that he should have followed the law. Her post continues on to say," He wasn't innocent; he was doing something illegal."On Monday, that post, (along with another post from May, showing the student signing her offer letter to ACU and stating that she was excited to grow closer to God) was shared thousands of times. By Tuesday afternoon, the university, which is in Glendale and has about 750 students, rescinded its offer, stating that the university is a “racially diverse community” and they would be “praying for her.”Also this week, a similar scenario played out at a university in Milwaukee, with the school revoking a scholarship to an incoming female lacrosse player for insensitive comments she made about Floyd on Snapchat.“With everything that is going on, it can affect teenagers, and again they have more time on their hands,” said Courtney Gaines, a nurse practitioner with Terros Health.Gaines said parents should talk to their teens about inflammatory posts along with the consequences of this behavior. “Explaining to them some things you should consult with us before you put it on social media. Also ask them, 'What were you feeling about this? And what were you thinking about doing?'" said Gaines.In the meantime, school officials say they’re standing firm on teaching their students to love and respect each other, saying that’s part of their mission, even more so through challenging times like we are seeing right now.

 Copyright 2020 KPHO/KTVK (KPHO Broadcasting Corporation). All rights reserved.


>>1 白人差別だな


同調圧力による言論弾圧 これがアメリカかよ 日本の欠点みたく馬鹿にしてた部分が日本の百倍ヒデエじゃねえか

本当の事を言うとこうなるんだな 匿名ディスるバカタレントの意図がよくわかる

言論の自由ガーwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 麻生「な?w」


白人女超正論じゃん でも今のアメリカは理屈よりヒステリーがまかり通る世界なんだな 可哀想に

これは酷い 表現の自由はどこへ行ったんだよ
