
【暴動事件】米シアトルの治外法権自治区 CHAZ 私兵を差配するWar Lord「将軍」 が支配権を握る

2020/06/12(金) 14:53

The situation in the United States of America has escalated massively in the wake of the death of George Floyd at the hands of a policeman. What were meant to be protests turned out to be an orgy of looting, rioting and wanton violence. Since then, matters have transcended into the realm of the bizarre and now we have the Country of CHAZ in our hands.
Protesters in downtown Seattle occupied a six block area surrounding the East Precinct of the Seattle Police Department on Monday. Following violent clashes with the ‘protesters’, the Police abandoned their position amidst calls to ‘defund the police’. The objective of CHAZ was to establish some form of socialist utopia which epitomises social justice ethos but it doesn’t appear to be going too well.
The protesters have installed blockades around themselves to mark their territory. A sign on one of these blockades says, “You’re now leaving the USA.” The social justice protesters appear to have finally realised the importance of borders. These borders are also being manned by an armed militia that is demanding identification from people before letting them enter.
The Country of CHAZ was supposed to be an ‘anti-racist zone’ without a Police, however, order appears to have risen spontaneously from the anarchy and the said armed militias are already enforcing the law within the territory. The man-in-charge, who is being referred to as a ‘warlord’ in online circles, a designation he prefers himself, is one rapper called Raz Simone.
Warlord Raz Simone takes control







アホだ。「将軍」を気取っているが、封鎖されて兵糧攻めをされたらお終い。 寧ろ、これで市民の反感を買う事になるw


