【調査】小説家の多くが「自分が書いている作品の登場人物の声」を聞いているとの調査結果 2020/05/08
‘I’ve learned I need to treat my characters like people’: Varieties of agency and interaction in Writers’ experiences of their Characters’ VoicesHighlights•Varied phenomenology of writers’ experiences of characters’ voices.•Important point of comparison for experiences of non-actual agents.•Automatized use of personality models suggesting non-inferential theory of mind.AbstractWriters often report vivid experiences of hearing characters talking to them, talking back to them, and exhibiting independence and autonomy. However, systematic empirical studies of this phenomenon are almost non-existent, and as a result little is known about its cause, extent, or phenomenology. Here we present the results of a survey of professional writers (n = 181) run in collaboration with the Edinburgh International Book Festival. Participants provided detailed descriptions of their experiences of their characters in response to a phenomenological questionnaire, and also reported on imaginary companions, inner speech and hallucination-proneness. Qualitative analysis indicated that the phenomenology of the experience of agentive characters varied in terms of the characters’ separateness from the writer’s self and the kinds of interaction this did or did not allow for. We argue that these variations can be understood in relation to accounts of mindreading and agency tracking which adopt intuitive as opposed to inferential models.KeywordsAgencyAlterityInner speechTheory of mindCreativityRecommended articlesCiting articles (0)View Abstract© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.
イメージみたいなもんだろ、俺もキン肉マンとケンシロウの 声が同じなのは、耐えられなかった。
そんなことより 物事や過去というか記憶を辿るときいつも頭の中で録画再生されてる感じだし テストとかで問題解く時も自然と教科書開いてたときのシーンが写真みたいに出てくるからそのページとかでとけるんだけど その話したら同僚に、え?とか言われたんだが みんなそうちゃうの?
言葉で考えるときには舌筋など発声用器官筋肉がわずかに動く これを「声が聞こえた」と感じるのはありなんだろうね 他者の声に聞こえるのは統合失調の思考化声と同じだろう